There are two types of fibers that muscles are made up of: the slow twitch and the fast twitch muscle fibers. The fast twitch muscle fibers are capable of contracting around twice as fast as slow twitch and, hence, are the ones vertical jump program exercises target. Targeting the slow twitch muscles through exercises that promote endurance and not explosiveness, speed and power will not benefit your vertical jump height.
Another muscle dynamics that amateur athletes fail to recognize is the fact that most of the power generated by your extremities come from the center of the body. Also known as the core muscles, they are the ones that stabilizes the torso and the trunk before any athletic movement is executed. A solid and stable spine and torso, will translate to quicker and more powerful movements of the legs and the arms. This is why core strengthening is an essential aspect of any vertical jumping program.
Tips on Increasing Vertical Jump
Plyometric exercises, while one of the most effective methods to targeting the fast twitch muscle fibers of the legs and improve jumping height, are activities that produce a lot of impact on your body. Be sure that you know what you are doing before jumping into plyometrics. One way to mitigate the risks is to hire the services of a jump coach so you will have a quick feedback mechanism if you are doing things the right way.
To increase your robustness against injury, never neglect warm up exercises or stretching. Be sure to spend a lot of time developing your body's flexibility as this has been shown to reduce risks of injuries.
Work out that core. The core muscles are good for stability and also help prevent injury.
Nutrition and rest. Don't work out everyday. Allow your muscles to recuperate and grow. To speed things up, follow through with sound nutrition. Eat the right food at the right time and get enough sleep. This will help speed up your progress and will help you reach your objectives quicker.
If you are working to increase your jumping height to improve your athletic performance and hence, become a better basketball player, one important step is understanding the principles that govern your body and its ability to generate quick and strong movements. This understanding gives you an advantage because you will know exactly how to work with it and how to improve it through processes that science has found to be effective and safe.
Photo credit: Saint.Seminole